Corporate & Foundation Partners

Collaboration is at the core of everything we do. We know that no single organization can solve the complex set of issues contributing to global poverty and suffering. That’s why we champion bigger thinking, bolder action, and partnerships that bring together expertise, ideas, tools, and resources in support of the shared goal of creating a better world.

Our partnerships are tailored to the unique objectives of each partner and the opportunities to leverage multiple assets, including financial resources, employee talent, customer engagement and more for greater global impact. We are proud of the incredible partnerships we’ve built with the organizations below, among many others. We’d love for you to join us.

Mercy Corps launches a climate resilience campaign

Ways to partner

Let’s work together to create a partnership with the right elements for your company or foundation. Explore a few ideas below, and please contact us if you’d like to learn more.

Employee engagement

Give your employees the opportunity to make lasting change in the world through fundraising, matching gifts, and skills-based volunteering.


Invest in Mercy Corps with a grant to support our priority programs. Together we can create lasting change and help your company meet its business and philanthropic goals.

Cause marketing

Donate a portion of sales, tell the story of our partnership and impact, and offer ways for customers to give or create products unique to your support of Mercy Corps

See what we’re doing with Cisco

Impact areas

In more than 40 countries around the world, Mercy Corps responds to urgent needs and works to build brighter tomorrows. Explore a few of the ways we can work together to have global impact below, and please contact us if you’d like to learn more.

Emergency response

Natural disasters and humanitarian crises are occurring with increasing frequency and severity.

In the critical period after a disaster hits or a crisis takes hold, Mercy Corps works within communities to provide lifesaving assistance and help communities recover and build back stronger.

Your employees and customers want to help when a disaster strikes. We enable you to respond quickly with a partner you trust.

Youth opportunity

Today, our world is younger than ever before and 9 out of 10 young people live in developing countries where they often face ongoing stress and challenges.

Mercy Corps invests in young people, connecting them to educational opportunities, job-skills training, and community-engagement projects.

Working together, we can support and empower young people so that they can lead their families and their communities towards a brighter future.

Stronger & resilient communities

Millions of people are caught up in a cycle of poverty and suffering driven by a confluence of conflict, corruption and climate change.

Mercy Corps works within communities to build economic opportunities and connect people to technology, tools and resources that can make a transformative difference in their lives.

Together, we can help people adapt, overcome economic hardship, survive through conflict and strengthen their communities for the long-term.

Interested in exploring a partnership?